This is one corner of the bedroom "before". It needed a little work. That's a dress form on the right.
Here is the same corner. The TV is hidden inside the vintage armoire. The dress form wears a vintage prom dress of tulle and taffeta, and that's a painted Italian chair.
This "before" shows the big window, looking out to the parking lot and the appliance graveyard below, and the HUGE TV sitting on the floor. It is the "elephant in the living room".
I found the perfect black stand for the TV, which hides also the equipment. I magically found the cool sage green architectural piece above it. Adding something weighty above the HUGE TV dimishes its size and importance.
I am an interior decorator with 30 years of experience decorating for one remarkable client. She is flexible,patient,appreciative,funny, charming.... the perfect client really... ME. I have absolutely NO training in decorating. NONE. Now, design is a different story. I began that at age 12. My sister and I would spy some tasty fabric remnants,choose twirly skirt dress patterns, and Mother would make them. We always added our own flourishes and design inspirations. In high school, Mother would never let the pesky problem of not having enough material stop her. She would just raise a hem or lower a neckline or both. My sister and I were very popular.
But I digress. This blog will be about my first experience as a professional decorator. Recently, my friend Donna hired me to rescue her from overwhelming clutter and her best intentions. This blog is about that adventure.
My hope is that you will express your ideas and opinions on the blog. If you've got a better idea, tell me about it. Don't like it? Let me hear. Love it? Email it to friends!